Cookies Policy

This policy covers the data processed using cookies, i.e. the data that the device you are using to browse the Website exchanges when browsing.

For information on the processing of any personal data, other than the data specifically related to cookies, please consult our Privacy Policy. 


Cookies are small text files that the websites visited by the user send and store on the device used by the latter to access the Internet (computer, smartphone or tablet), which are then re-transmitted to the same websites on his/her subsequent visit.

The cookies, which are usually present in the users’ browsers in very large numbers and often for extended temporary periods of time, allow information to be collected about the browsing habits of the user on the website.

They are used, for example, for IT authentication, to monitor sessions and store information about the activities of the users who access a website.

They may also contain a unique identification code that allows the user’s browsing habits to be tracked on the website for statistical or advertising purposes.

Some operations cannot be carried out without the use of cookies which, therefore, in some cases are technically necessary for the site to function.

While browsing a website, the user may also receive, on his/her device, cookies sent from other websites (or web servers) in addition to the one he/she is visiting (so-called “third-party” cookies) through elements on the website visited (e.g. images, maps, sounds, links to web pages of other domains on different servers, etc.).

Some cookies are stored permanently on the user’s device and have a pre-set duration (so-called persistent cookies), while others are automatically deleted when the browser is closed (so-called session cookies).

Most websites, in order to function use so-called technical cookies, i.e. those cookies that are essential for the operation of the website or necessary to perform activities requested by the user. Among such technical cookies there are, for example:

•   analytics cookies when used directly with the anonymisation function by the website operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site in order to compile general statistics on the service and its use;

•   browser or session cookies, which guarantee normal browsing and use of the website (allowing you, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate access to restricted areas);

•   functionality cookies, which allow the user to browse according to a series of selected criteria (for example, language, products selected for purchase) to improve the service provided.

There are also so-called profiling / advertising / marketing cookies which are aimed at creating user profiles which are used to send advertising messages based on the preferences expressed by the user when browsing the internet.


Technical and Statistical cookies

The cookies required to operate the website fall under this category. They are normally defined as a response to the request for services, such as preferences on privacy, login or filling in the forms which are found on the website. The cookies which fall under this category also determine the number of visits and the source of the traffic, as well as identifying the most visited pages and assessing how users browse the Website with the aim of improving and measuring the Website performance. The information collected to improve the browsing experience and the Website are processed in aggregate form, i.e. anonymously.

  • Cquotient
  • GA Audiences
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Optimize
  • Google Tag Manager
  • SalesForce Commerce Cloud
  • Typekit by Adobe


These cookies are used to build a profile of your interests and show you advertisements which reflect your interests. They may directly store information that identifies you directly and identify your browser and the device you use for browsing.

  • Criteo
  • Bing Ads
  • DoubleClick
  • Facebook Connect
  • Facebook Custom Audience
  • Google AdWords Conversion
  • Google Dynamic Remarketing
  • Listrak
  • Pinterest
  • Rakuten Advertising
  • Sizmek
  • TikTok
  • Tradedesk


It is possible to eliminate previously installed cookies through the browser preferences, including technical cookies, in which your consent for the installation of cookies by the website, are stored. Please note, however, that, if all or some of the technical cookies are disabled, the website or some of its functions may not be available or work properly and the user may be forced to modify or manually enter some information or preferences every time he/she/they visits the Website.

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We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.